Tips, Hints & Helpful advice for your Life, Health, Home & Planet

Since the government is having trouble passing legislation that will help prevent global warming and create clean energy, many American citizens have taken it upon themselves to live a green lifestyle. Climate change is becoming a bigger threat to our world everyday and green jobs are hard to come by. So instead of waiting for the government to stop their partisan bickering, people have come up with better ways to promote a green lifestyle that will help our planet. Leading a green lifestyle does not require making dramatic changes to your life. The best ways to be green are very simple.

* For starters, try to do all of your shopping at either one store or as few as possible. For example, stores like Wal Mart, Target or Whole Foods have a wide selection of not only food but other items such as clothes and hygiene and entertainment products. Limiting the amount of stores you shop at will reduce the amount of gas you use to get from store to store.

* When you go shopping, purchase a few canvas bags to put your groceries in so you don’t waste the plastic bags that most stores give you. These are great first steps to living a green lifestyle. An obvious and easy way to become green would be to recycle. It is the right thing to do and really makes a difference in the world.

* If you use your printer a lot, change your computer settings so that your printer prints on both sides. This will reduce the amount of wasted paper, save trees and prevent you from driving your car to buy more computer paper.

* This might be one of the harder ways to become more green, but if possible, walk or ride your bike to where you need to go. If that is not an option, use public transportation. This will also reduce the amount of gas.

There are thousands of other ways to become more green and all of them are effective. Unfortunately, many think that their impact alone is too small and does not make a difference. However, if everybody did their part in making the earth a cleaner place, we would not be in the situation we are currently in. It is the responsibility of everyone on this earth to save as much energy and create as little greenhouse gas as possible. Now if we can just convince the government to do the same, we would be in much better shape