Tips, Hints & Helpful advice for your Life, Health, Home & Planet

Healthy Skin - #1

The products which are used everyday are loaded with chemicals. Chemicals which are known to cause hormonal, endocrine & thyroid disruptions along with many other diseases including cancer.

Babies are born with over 280 chemicals in their cord blood. The average woman comes into contact with more than 200+ chemicals BEFORE she leaves the house in the morning.

Europe has a list of over 1100 chemicals which they PROHIBIT in their products. The USA has only 9. The American personal-care manufacturers are required to "clean-up" their products which they export to Europe. Yet, those same manufacturers leave those chemicals in the products which they distribute to YOU.

Skin is highly absorbant transferring toxins directly into your bloodstream, which can be more harmful to the body than ingesting them. Think of why they use transdermal patches.

You should avoid the word "fragrance" on a label at all costs. Manufacturers are allowed to hide up to 600 ingredients behind this label referring to them as "trade secrets". Known cancer causing phthalates have been found in close to 85% of products tested by the EWG (Environmental Working Group), yet not listed on any ingredient list - instead they are hidden in the word "fragrance".

The body burden of all of these chemicals is too great. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will get cancer in their lifetime. You owe it to yourself and your family to be more aware of the products you are using on your skin. Here are 2 recommendations for you to try.  I have used products from both of these companies and they are wonderful - all natural, extremely refreshing and your skin feels hydrated all day.

Facial Skin Cleanser